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About Us


Altay Inc

Altay Inc. is a manufacturer of high purity quartzware made to meet the stringent requirements of semiconductor
fabricators and related industries. We are experienced with most semiconductor equipment including wet stations, diffusion furnaces, epitaxial reactors, annealing systems, plasma etchers, ashers, CVD systems and much more.

We routinely fabricate brand new quartz parts for these tools and we also repair broken and damaged customer
supplied quartz parts, revitalizing them to like new condition. Altay’s manufacturing facility is central located in the
Dallas, TX area, just 15 minutes from DFW’s International Airport

We aspire to supply precision crafted quartz products at the lowest possible prices!

Why Choose Us

Highest quality quartzware comes with precision fabrication, the shortest lead-time, and the lowest price.


Highest quality quartz glass used for precision fabrication for filling customers' orders to produce the best yield and profitability.


Our dedicated supplier knows the importance of our customer's that to give us the shortest leadtime for our raw material.


We know how important the good quality andthe low pricing for the end users. Doing everything inhouse gives us edge and saves the cost that we reflect that to the customers.


Some images of Altay Inc production and repair facilities. Click on thumbnail to view images